Eliminate Waste, Mindful Consumption, Sustainable Travel Tips

Consider Your Water Usage

Consider your water usage with mindful consumption when you travel
Mindful Consumption

Consider Your Water Usage

Consider Your Water Usage

Most people when travelling do not consider their water usage, as they believe “I am on holidays, I can use more water” or “I’ll have longer showers when away as I’m not paying for this”. Either way, there is a better way to consider your water usage when you travel.

When is comes to taking steps to be sustainable when you travel, having mindful consumption is one of these steps. Mindful consumption is just that, being aware of the consumption you take / use when you travel. Which includes the use of natural resources of water.

Whilst some countries have plentiful water resources, other less developed destinations are not so lucky. The water availability in some locations can be scarce, whilst you may not realise this when you’re there as it sometimes can be not visible to most visitors. In such areas, especially which have large resort style accommodation properties, a lot of water resources can be fed to the tourists in lieu of going to the local people, who likely require it more.

If you can, learn a little bit about the natural water availability of a destination, something you can research, ask locals about or sometimes see are you start to notice how water is usage and appreciated when you navigate around the city / town / region. It helps to make informed decisions on how you use water when you’re in a new area.

So as you may consider taking the extra long hot shower or relaxing in an extra full bath, try to be aware of the water availability in the local area, then take that into consideration.