Mindful Consumption, Sustainable Travel Tips

Consider Your Accommodation Emissions

Consider Your Accommodation Emissions, Sustainable travel tourism, accommodation
Mindful Consumption

Consider Your Accommodation Emissions

Consider Your Accommodation Emissions

Like when you consider your transportation methods when you travel, considering your accommodation emissions too should be reviewed prior to making your travel bookings. 

When selecting accommodation, research the destination you’re travelling to prior to making any bookings. Don’t base your destination expectations on another destination, i.e. if you live in Spain, don’t expect your accommodation in the Philippines to be to the same standard as Spain with air conditioning, decor and the like. Instead look for accommodation properties that demonstrate true Philippine culture, decor and traditions.

Be prepared that accommodation standards may vary at some destinations to what you are used to. Rooms may have a wall fan instead of air conditioning, or blankets being provided instead of heating. Is it best to accept that although this may unpleasant on occasions, you will likely survive a short time away without those creature comforts, and may soon adjust to realise a ceiling fan to cool down at night may very well be sufficient. 

Look for accommodation that uses renewable energy where possible, or even if the property monitors water and electricity usage whilst staying there.

Try local smaller accommodation properties, which may even have multiple benefits such as using renewable energy plus support local businesses, in lieu of large hotel chains. Even in cities where you would normally opt for a large hotel chain, try bouquet style accommodation that offers renewable energy, you may be surprised the stay may be better than what you’re used to.

It’s ok to splash out on a 5 star hotel in less developed countries, although try not to make it the norm when you’re looking for accommodation.  

Some accommodation properties offer complementary push bikes to use during your stay too, so take up the offer in lieu of hitching a ride or paying for a ride share. 

Not all properties offering renewable energy will market themselves as eco-efficient, so look on their website under the “About” section or the Gallery section to see what they offer in forms of reducing your carbon emissions. Or you could even contact the accommodation property to ask about their carbon emissions and how they reduce them or use reusable energy.