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Finding Sustainable Travel Accommodation

Finding sustainable travel accommodation, consider your accommodation, sustainable accommodation
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Respect Cultures & Communities
Mindful Consumption

Finding Sustainable Travel Accommodation

Finding Sustainable Travel Accommodation

Travellers can be quick to choose their accommodation when travelling, and often go for the cheapest as well. Yet when finding sustainable travel accommodation, considering your options is wise to take into consideration the following areas. 

Location / Build: Research to see the property built in a location which compliments the area / destination. If the property is newly built, was there a historic site or thick vegetation which had to be demolition to construct the new property, as this generally this could demonstrate the owner is more concerned for their wealth than communities or the natural environment.

Staff: Research or ask if the property hire local people, or are they bringing in staff from outside regions or worse from overseas. The aim is to look for properties that employ local people and also train local staff in roles, which offer long term education and positions to help them improve local peoples lives for future career opportunities. By hiring and training locals, this ensures people remain local to their community without having the need to travel vast distances for work, whilst providing secure income to support their families. 

Emissions: Research what emissions are produced during your stay, and find out if the property provides renewable energy options to guests. Check the property website or social media sites to see what environmental friendly initiatives the property offers.

Waste Management: Check the property website gallery, website room information, or visitor reviews, if single use toiletry items are provided such as individual shampoos, or the preferred options of refillable dispensers used. Look for properties that aim to reduce overall waste and follow some of the 5 R rules (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot). 

Local Produce: Aim to find properties that use locally grown and produced food, rather than imported food from international locations. Gathering and cooking with locally grown produce benefits local farms with income to in turn support their families, ensuring longevity. 

Accommodation Style: Try various styles of local accommodation options unique to destinations, that you may not normally stay at. Try a treehouse, farm stay, house boat, ryokan, home stay, overnight trains, igloo, guest house, small hostel, boutique hotels, just to name a few! Properties other than a traditional hotel rooms, generally provide great memories for your travels.

It normally helps to read the “About” section on property website to see if they offer sustainable solutions, read guest reviews for their feedback, or contact the accommodation property to ask about the various areas mentioned above. Some properties may also be accredited from GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) which is a good indication of their sustainable commitment. 

Try to take the time to research your property to ensure sustainable accommodation is achieved, being aware this will take time and not to always jump to the cheapest accommodation property or the easiest to book.